
Last summer, I woke up feeling like I had a 50 pound weight wrapped around on my shoulders. This was not the first day I felt this way. In fact the weight I was feeling had become increasingly heavier as the weeks and months went on. This was just the day I woke up feeling […]

A risk worth taking


There is a truth that’s inherent within each of us that illuminates our greatest strength and the power we have to bring into the world. It’s a certain knowing that never goes away and with this hidden super power, we can achieve anything. This truth can be an attribute you possess or simply a way […]

Your hidden superpower


Do you often say yes and regret it later? Are you worried about disappointing others? If so, it’s time to put an end to the crazy because people pleasing will suck the life right out of you. No is a complete sentence. You have earned the right to make this choice regardless of how others […]

Change your yes to no


When we experience a shift in our lives, stress can surface pretty quickly. There are many things you can incorporate into your daily routine to lower your anxiety in times of change and uncertainty and they don’t have to be overcomplicated. In fact, they can be very simple. Here are four of my favorites. Breathe. Take […]

Overcome anxiety in uncertain times


Most of us hold ourselves to a certain degree of decorum in all of our relationships. We strive to extend love and be non-judgmental, compassionate and honest and although we may not always get it right, we do our best to remain conscious of this intention most of the time. But, when it comes to […]

Faith in yourself again


One of the best changes we can make comes from within. It’s a subtle shift that happens when we finally decide to be ourselves. Our real selves. Authenticity is a word that gets tossed around a lot. It’s a goal we all aspire to but can often be a challenge. In our attempt to feel […]

Becoming Magnetic


We often strive to show love and compassion toward others, but often neglect ourselves in the process. With all of our past experiences, we’ve simply become hard wired to cast doubt on our own capabilities and neglect our own needs. Time and again, we find ways to undermine our own progress. The sad truth is, […]

Finding the power within


The topic of relationship comes up a lot when we think of change. That’s because our connection with friends and family are so fluid and shifting all of the time. With this said, a few thoughts come to mind when I think about these important experiences we have with others: Tend to your relationships as […]

Change and relationships
