I didn’t actually wake up to my life until I was in my early 40s when I suddenly realized the one I had created was full of doubt and disconnection.
My decision to get sober started with a simple gut feeling that there was more to life than numbing out. I knew it was time. Then I put one foot in front of the other and started on a path toward something better.
For my sober friends, we all have one thing in common. Addiction found us. It sought us out, snuck its way into the corners of every aspect of our lives and refused to leave.
For a time anyway. Until we finally decided enough was enough.
We knew we had to escape the self-denial and distrust that comes with living in mediocrity. Over time, it may have been years or for some, even decades before we were able to see the beast for what it was and finally overcome it’s grip.
We found an opportunity in our willingness to answer a simple call to action.
To make a change.
I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that when your life is not working you eventually wake up to the real truth. It may take time, but it will happen.
Showing you the strength and tenacity you have to rise above whatever was holding you back all along.
Change of any kind is typically sparked by either curiosity or discomfort and when you finally start asking yourself “is this really working for me?” the answer is not always easy but is often exactly what you need to hear.
The adversity you overcome to get to the other side of any challenge is evidence of your courage and ability to face life with your eyes wide open while forging a different path.
Taking all of the detours necessary to become the best you can be.
For more information on my coaching and how to navigate the challenges of change to create a life you love go to https://noellevan.com/work-with-me and let’s connect.