Journaling has so many upsides, from greater self-awareness to helping you overcome anxiety, jotting down your thoughts for even 10 minutes a day can help you more than you know. With that said, not everyone is a natural when it comes to putting aside time to journal. So, I thought I’d break it down into […]
Yes, it’s true. The words that come out of your mouth determine your success or failure in life. You see, first comes thought then comes expression. When you think about negative outcomes you will typically speak about them and when you express fear, doubt, or anxiety around anything in life, you are signaling the universe […]
BIG NEWS!!! Go Go Bistro is returning on Sept 19th with a new name: Journey’s Through Change. For some context, the name Go Go Bistro was initially chosen because I’ve had some of the most pivotal conversations of my life with friends or family over coffee or a meal tucked away in corners of some […]
I’ll soon be sharing some highlights on the podcast of my …shall we say *interesting* experience moving across the country this past month along with the lessons I learned – and believe me, there were many! In the meantime, I wanted to share an insight that I found really helpful when addressing the feelings of […]
Well, after driving across the country, a car breakdown in the middle of the desert and unexpected delays from my moving company, I’ve had to dig deep to find my calm in times of anxiety over the past few weeks. Life has a funny way of throwing unexpected curveballs our way, often catching us off […]
In times of change, it super important to concentrate on the daily behaviors that elevate your mood and energy levels. I find three categories of motivators to be most common when working with my clients and I call them Drive Types. Your Drive Type identifies what typically motivates you, why you make certain choices and […]
Any change in life involves setting an intention to shift a perspective, experience or outcome. Setting an intention is the act of stating what you intend to accomplish through your actions. It’s a commitment to what you want your journey to be about as you move forward in your life. When you set an intention the […]