Yes, it’s true. The words that come out of your mouth determine your success or failure in life. You see, first comes thought then comes expression. When you think about negative outcomes you will typically speak about them and when you express fear, doubt, or anxiety around anything in life, you are signaling the universe […]
I’ll soon be sharing some highlights on the podcast of my …shall we say *interesting* experience moving across the country this past month along with the lessons I learned – and believe me, there were many! In the meantime, I wanted to share an insight that I found really helpful when addressing the feelings of […]
Any way you slice it, change can be challenging. Understanding your fears is the first step in accepting change and moving toward it to enhance your life. The following are a few things to keep in mind to help you accept change as it comes up: 1. Change is Inevitable: Recognize that change is an […]
When we entertain the idea of making a change of any kind in our lives, our sense of safety is immediately tested and is bound to trigger a feeling of fear. It’s important to know that fear can be disguised as many different things: resistance, procrastination, uncertainty, impatience, anxiety and sometimes even anger. So often […]