When making a change that involves any kind of courage or self-confidence to see it through, there is nothing more important than maintaining a positive mindset. Since starting my own business, I’ve made it my number one goal every day to keep my mood and energy high and do whatever it takes to make sure […]
Personal power comes from knowing deep within your soul that you are in control of the outcomes you create in your life. If owning that power is important to you, your philosophy may go something like this: Authenticity is your top priority. You have overcome self-doubt by recognizing your strengths, accepting your imperfections and embracing all […]
I’m curious, have you been feeling any resistance when you start thinking about what you want to make happen in your life this year? It makes total sense if it does. Because taking action involves change and well, success is never a given. We’ve spent the better part of the past 3 years facing unexpected […]