
My dogs have taught me a lot over the years, but the past few weeks have shown me more than I ever expected. My sweet pup Charlie was diagnosed with cancer earlier this month and within three weeks he was gone. His decline was fast but through the pain and fear of losing him, I […]

Lessons in loss


Change often gets a bad rap. To some even the thought of making a change can feel overwhelming but it’s important to know that not all change needs to be dramatic. It can be as simple as a shift in perception or a different approach to a conversation with a friend or loved one – […]

What do you want?


When making a change that involves any kind of courage or self-confidence to see it through, there is nothing more important than maintaining a positive mindset. Since starting my own business, I’ve made it my number one goal every day to keep my mood and energy high and do whatever it takes to make sure […]

Feeling your best


I have been thinking a lot lately about keeping it simple. I just finished an enlightening book by Martin Dugard called “To Be a Runner”.  In addition to being a runner and author, he has spent the past several years as a high school running coach. Along with his tales of racing mishaps and the […]

Keeping change simple


Do you ever hear the voice of your mother or father whispering in your ear when you’re about to embark on something risky or daring? It’s pretty common. We often hear the voices of those we sought guidance from in our childhood when it’s time to make big or important decisions in our lives.  The […]

Avoiding the safety zone


Personal power comes from knowing deep within your soul that you are in control of the outcomes you create in your life. If owning that power is important to you, your philosophy may go something like this: Authenticity is your top priority. You have overcome self-doubt by recognizing your strengths, accepting your imperfections and embracing all […]

Using your personal power


As we live our lives day to day, it can be easy to want to keep everything stable and predictable. Especially when things happen out of our control, it takes time to come to terms with a new reality of expectations for ourselves and others. However, when we decide to make a necessary change in […]

Change, on your terms


When I think back on my teen years and even my early 20s I remember having a sense of ‘anything goes!’. When I moved from Chicago to San Francisco at age 22, sight unseen, having NO idea what I was doing, I packed up my car with my best friend and we were on our […]

Your younger self’s perspective


I’m curious, have you been feeling any resistance when you start thinking about what you want to make happen in your life this year?  It makes total sense if it does. Because taking action involves change and well, success is never a given. We’ve spent the better part of the past 3 years facing unexpected […]

Choose excitement over fear


The new year is now in full swing! When we think about what we want to create for ourselves, setting goals is the best way to start. Goals setting is not always easy but in order to make the changes we want in our lives, it takes a clear, desired intention to get a goal […]

Easy tips for setting goals
